Spanish - English


Americano - see café
A la plancha - grilled
Aceitunas - olives
Acelgas - chard
Aceite (de cacahuete/de oliva) - (peanut/olive) oil
Achiote - annatto tree seeds, used for marinades
Adobo - red thick chilli paste
Agua (purificada/potable) - (purified/drinking) water
Agua (con/sin gaz) - water (with/without bubbles)
Agua horchata - rice drink with cinamon
Agua jamaica - refreshing red drink from the jamaica flower
Agua tónica - Schweppes
Aguacate - avocado
Aguamiel - water with cane sugar; also: juice from cooked agave heart
Ahumado - smoked
Ajo - garlic
Aji - chili / Ajiaco - stew of chiles
Ajonjoli - sesam
Ala - wing
Al gusto - as you like it/any style
Al horno - oven-baked
Alambre - topped with onions + bell peppers
Alas de pollo - chicken wings
Albaricoque - apricots in Spain (Mex: chabacano)
Albóndigas - meatballs
Alcachofa- artichoke
Alcaparra - capers
Alfalfa - water cresse
Almendra - almond
Almibar - sirup
Almuerzo - lunch
Alubias - white beans
Amarillo con pollo - (Oaxaca) orange mole with chicken
Anca de rana - frogg legs
Ancho - a Poblano chile that has been dried and turned a black-red color; means wide
Anchoa - canned anchovies
Antojito - an hors d'oeuvre, small snack food or specialities
Apio - celerie
Arenque (en salazón) - (pickeld) hering
Arrachera - marinated, tender beef
Arroz - rice
Arveja - peas
Asado - roasted
Ate - quince sweet
Atún - tuna
Avena - oat or liquid oatmeal/porridge with cinnamon
Aves - poultry
Avellana - hazelnut
Azafrán - saffron
Azúcar (estándar/refinada/fundido) - sugar (regular light-brown/white cristal/caramel)
Azúcar en polvo / terrones de azúcar - pouder sugar/sugar cubes
Bacalao - fish
Barbacoa - barbecued meat
Barreton - yellow beans
Batida - milk-shake
Bebida - drink
Berengena - egg-plant
Berros - water cresse
Betabeles - beets
Bifteck - thin slice of beef, also called filet de carne
Bimbo - american bread
Birria - meat
Bizocho - zwieback
Bocadillo/Bocata - sandwich
Bogavante - lobster
Bola(s)/Bolita - see tamal de bola (ball)/ball of masa, e.g. in soups
Bolillo - small loaf of white bread
Bonito (con tomate) - tuna (with tomatoe)
Boquerón - fresh anchovy
Boquinete - fish from the sea
Borracho - cooked with wine; means drunk
Botanas - snacks
Botil - purple beans
Brécol - broccoli
Brocheta - skewer
Budin - pie, pudding
Buñuelo - puffy, sweet, deep-fried pastry dipped in a sweet sauce (panela)
Burrito/Burro - large flour tortilla wrapped around a filling
Burrita - flour tortilla with ham and cheese
Butifarra - saussage, broiled, white like bratwurst
Caballo - horse
Cabeza - (meat of the) head
Cabra/Cabrito - goat
Cacahuates - peanuts
Café (solo/con leche/molido) - coffee (black/with milk/pouder)
Café americano - mostly light filter coffee
Café capuchino - hot milk with an espresso and milk foam
Café con leche - mostly water w. nescafé and milk or hot milk w. nescafé
Café con crema - filter coffee with mostly artificial creamer
Café cortado - espresso with a little milk
Café descafeinado - decaffenated (filter) coffee
Café espresso - short, strong coffee
Café lechero - an espresso in a hot cup of milk
Café de olla - coffee out of a clay pot, flavored with cinnamon and sugar
Cajeta (envinada/quemada/vanilla) - caramel, "milk marmelade" (
Calabaza - squash, pumpkin
Caldo - soup, broth (bouillon)
Caldo tlalpeño/xochitl (Yucatan) - spicy vegetable, chicken soup/chicken consomé w. avocado, onion, tomate + cilantro
Caliente - hot to the touch (temperature)
Callos - tripe
Camarón - (small) shrimp
Campechana - drink with white rum, little water, coke, ice + lemon
Camotes - sweet potatoes
Canela - cinnamon
Cangrejo - (big) crab
Capirotada - spicy bread pudding served during Lent; means a little bit of everything
Carambola - mix with meat, onions and other vegetables
Caramelo - sweet/taffy
Caracol(a) - conche/snail
Carne (de res) - meat, specifically beef (beef)
Carne deshebrada - dried meat
Carne molino/picada - ground meat
Carnero - lamb
Carnitas - shredded pork, served with tortillas, onions and sauces
Castañas - chestnut
Catalana - crema catalana
Cazón - baby shark
Cebolla (de cambray) - (spring) onion
Cecina - thin steak
Cena - dinner
Centeno - rey
Cerdo - pork
Cereal - cereals
Cereza - cherry
Cerveza (rubia, oscura/negra) - beer (blond, dark beer)
Ceviche - salad made of raw fish "cooked'' in lime juice
Chabacano - abricot in Mexico (Spain: albaricoque)
Chacale - sweet water shrimp
Chalupa - flakey shell with meat or custard on it
Chamorro - (veal) meat with bone
Champiñon - white mushroom
Champurrado - drink based on corn flor
Chancho (in Latin America) - pig
Chaucha - new potatoe
Chayote - a variety of squash, green with spines, avocado size (prickly pear squash)
Chapulinas - grasshoppers roasted with garlic, lemon and lots of salt (Oaxaca)
Chepil - wild fresh herbe which grows in rainy season
Chelada - cerveza con jugo de limon and ice
Chica - alcoholic drink based on corn
Chícharos - peas
Chicharrón - pork cracklings of fried pork skin or lard
Chicle - chewing gum (or the natural ingredient for it - the chew mass)
Chifa - Chinese restaurant
Chilaquiles - corn tortilla pieces marinated in chile, layered with a filling, sauce and cheese, and baked in a casserole
Chilaquiles bravos/iniciados - chilaquiles w. spicy tomatoe sauce/w. creamy green sauce
Chile arbol - 3-5 inch (= ") long, thin, red, hot
Chile bolita/cascabel - 1" long, oval or round, red, spicy + aromatic, often sold dried for moles
Chile chipotle - dried and smoked jalapeño, hot
Chile color - big, dark, often sold dried for moles
Chile guajillo - 3-5" long, 1" wide, red, medium hot, often sold dried for moles
Chile habanero - 1" long, 1,5" lantern shape, dark, green, orange or red, very hot (Yucatan)
Chile ixcatic - 3-4" long, 1/5-1" wide, light green, mild
Chile jalapeño - 2" long, 1/2" wide, green, medium hot; called chipoteles if dried & smoked
Chile morron/pimiento - 4-5" long, 3" wide, bell peppers, green or red, sweet
Chile mulato - big, dark, chocolate flavour, less sweetness, sold dried for moles
Chile pasilla - 8-10" long, 1" wide, dark, often sold dried for moles; also called Chile Negro
Chile poblano - 4-5" long, 2,5" wide, dark green, like bell peppers, mild, often sold dried as Chile Ancho
Chile serrano/verde - 1-2" long, thin, green to red, mild to medium hot
Chile tabaquiero - 1/2" long, thin, red, medium hot (good if fried and eaten whole!)
Chiles en nogada - stuffed chiles with a walnut/cheese sauce (served in september)
Chiles rellenos (de picadillo) - stuffed chiles, e.g. with cheese (stuffed with ground beef)
Chili powder - commercially, the product made from ground red chiles, including a variety of other spices
Chilpachole de atún - spicy tuna soup
Chimichanga - deep-fried burro; means "A what chama call it"
Chipíron - small squid
Chipilin - vegetable like acelga (or spinach, looks like alfalfa)
Choclo - corn
Chongo zamoranos - a sort of a sweet cheese like a flan
Choro (Mexico) - blue mussel
Chorizo - spicy pork and beef sausage
Chow chow = chayote - a variety of squash
Chupe - stew
Chuleta (yucateca) - pork (or veal) chop or cutlet (marinated in red adobado, w. sauted onions)
Chuletón - beef chop
Churrasco - barbeque
Churro - fried dough
Cigala - langoustine
Chipotle, sauce - red, spicy sauce, named after a small black chile
Cilantro - coriander or Chinese parsley
Ciruela - plum
Clara (de huevo) - egg white
Cochinita/Conchinillo - pork (suckling pig)
Coco - coconut
Cocktel - cocktail
Codillos - pork bones with meet around them
Col - cabbage (Mexico), repollo (Spain)
Coliflor - coliflour
Colonche - juice from fermented fruit from the prickly pear cactus
Coloradito - chicken or pork in a red mole
Comales - flat wheat tortilla topped with hot sauce, mushrooms, onions, bell peppers, ham, bacon, chorizo and melted cheese
Comedor - small restaurant; also: eating room
Comida - midday meal
Comida corrida - ecconomic plate of the day often served with soup and rice
Comino - cumin
Compota - compot
Compuesta (ensalada compuesta) - mixed (salad)
Coñac - Kognak
Condimento - spice
Conditos - small macaronis
Conejo - rabbit
Congelada/-o - frozen
Consomé - meat broth
Cordero - lamb
Costillas - see cecina
Crema - cream, sour c., double c., coffee c., creamy soup, evaporated milk
Crema catalana - a sort of flan
Crema de ave - chicken cream
Crema de cacahuate - peanut butter
Crema de chile poblano - green mole with chiles poblanos and maiz grains
Crepas - crepes
Criolla, a la - creole style
Cubito de hielo - ice cube
Cuero - pork skin
Cuerno - French croissant
Datte - datil
Desfeta - melted
Desayuno - breakfast
Dulces - candies
Durazno (almibar) - peach (canned peaches in their juice)
Ejote - string bean
Elote - (jung) corn, cooked in water, sold as whole corn or grains only=(Esquites)
Embutidos - cold, prepared meats like smoked saussages etc.
Empanada (gallega) - turnover, stuffed with meet or fish (with tuna)
Enchilada - a corn tortilla dipped in red chile sauce, rolled around just about anything, then topped with sauce and cheese
Enchilada Suiza - corn tortilla roll w. chicken, cream + lots of cheese
Enfrijoladas - corn tortilla foldovers in a bean sauce
Enmoladas - tortillas dipped in mole negro sauce
Enpanisada - breaded (fish, chicken, meat...)
Enpapelada - in alu foil (fish, potatoe...)
Enrollado - rolled
Ensalada (compuesta/mixta/variada) - (mixed) salad
Entomatada con res - beef stew with green tomatoes and cooked beef
Envinada, e.g. pollo - in red wine sauce
Entomatados - tomatoes
Entremeses - entrees (hors-d'oeuvres)
Epazote - green herbe with big leaves, for green moles (goosefoot or wild spinach)
Escabeche (pollo escabeche, Yucatan) - pickled (cooked chicken with lots of onions)
Espaguetti - spaghetti
Espárragos - asparagus
Especia - spice
Esquites - elote grains in a cup with lime, cream or mayo, chili powder and cheese
Estufado - meat in red thick sauce
Farina - wheat flour
Fiambre - cold meats
Fideos - vermicelli; thin pasta
Filet de carne = bifteck/de lenguado - thin piece of meat/filet de sole (fish)
Flan - baked custard with caramel coating
Flauta - corn tortilla tightly rolled around a filling, then deep fried; means flute
Flor de calabaza - squash blossom used in sauces, soups, quesadillas...
Fonda - inn
Fresa/Fresón - strawberry
Frijoles (refrito/de olla/molino) - beans, usually pinto (refried/cooked=pot beans/mashed)
Frijoles charros - frijoles cooked with salchicha, jamón, chorizo... , served in a bowl
Frutas (secas/del tiempo) - fruits (dried/of the season)
Frutilla (in Latin America) - strawberry
Galletas - crackers or cookies or thin buñuelos served dry with sugar
Gallina - hen
Gamba - (big) shrimp
Garbanzo - chickpea
Garnachas - stuffed (eg. beef) and fried mini-corn tortillas
Gaseosa/-o - limonade / with bubbles
Gazpacho - cold, spicy tomato and vegetable soup
Gelatina - jelly
Girasol - sunflower
Golosina - candy / treats
Gorditas - fried, extra thick tortillas with sauce and cheese
Granada - pomegranate
Granadilla (in Latin America) - passion fruit
Granizado - cold fruit drink
Grasa - fat
Grasiento - greasy
Gratén/Gratinado - gratain/gratinated
Gringa - warm tortilla sandwich with meat and cheese
Grosella - red current
Guacamole - mashed avocado salad or dip
Guajolote - in Mexico, turkey; pavo is turkey in other Spanish-speaking countries
Guisado/Guiso - stew
Guisante - peas
Guayaba - guava, small yellow fruit with good strong flavor
Gusto - taste, see 'al gusto'
Haba - broad (fava) bean
Habichuela - bean
Hamburgesa/Hamburgeseria - hamburger/fast food
Harina - flour, mostly wheat, but see also Minsa and Manseca
Helada - frozen
Helado - ice cream
Hielo - ice
Hierba (de olor) - herbs (mix of oregano, thyme, & majoran herbs)
Hierbabuena - peppermint
Hígado - liver
Higos - figs
Hoja (aguacate/platano) - avocado leaf, for seasoning/banana leaf, used as tamal wrapper
Hojuelas de maíz - corn flakes
Hominy - large cernel dried corn
Hongo - mushroom
Horno (al horno) - oven (in the oven)
Hortaliza - vegetables
Horchata - drink based on rice or barley, flavoured with sugar, almonds, cinamon or vanilla
Huachinango - red snapper
Huaraches - oval corn tortilla with cheese, cream and meat
Huevo (duro/tibio)- egg (hard-boild/soft-boiled eggs); also called blanquillo
Huevos a la mexicana - scrambeld eggs w. onion, tomatoe + hot pepper
Huevos estrelladdos / fritos - fried eggs
Huevos motuleños - breakfast: beens, fried egg, tomato sauce, peas ... on tortillas
Huevos rancheros - fried eggs over tortilla w. (hot) tomatoe sauce
Huevos con salchicha - eggs with peaces of frankfurter saussage
Huitlacoche - small dark fungus found on corn stalk
Ixnepech (Yucatan)- very hot sauce with habanero, tomatoe, cilantro, lime, vinegar + onions
Jabalí - wild (mountain) pig
Jaiba - (small) crab
Jalea - jelly
Jalea de membrilla - quince sweet
Jamaica - soft drink made from red flowers and sugar
Jamón - ham
Jarabe - sirup
Jengibre - ginger
Jícama - a crisp, white, edible root, served with lime juice and chili pouder
Jitomates - tomatoes
Judias - white beans
Jugo (pequeño/grande) - (small/big) juice
Kahlúa - coffee-flavored liqueur made in Mexico
Kibis - brown 'saussages' - it's only fried dough, served with cabbage
Lácteo /-a - adj. milk
Langosta/Langostino - Lobster (Langouste)/big shrimp
Laurel - bay
Leche (pura de vaca/rehidratada) - milk (real cow milk/milk from milk powder)
Leche semidescremada/descremada - reduced or low fat/no fat milk
Lechuga - lettuce
Lengua - tongue
Lentejas - lens
Licor (de café) - liqueur (coffee liqueur)
Licuados - milk shake
Limón / Limón amarilla - (sweet)lime / (yellow) lemon
Lomo - piece of meet from the back, eg. for roasts
Lonca/lonja - a slice
Lonce - light lunch
Longaniza - Yucatan saussage: pork,beef,garlic,onion,pepper,cumin,cloves,cinnamon, smoked
Lubina - sea fish
Maguey (Latin America) - agave
Mahonesa - mayonaise
Maíz - corn
Malteada - milkshake
Malvavicos - marshmallows
Manitas - pork legs
Manseca - harina de mais like Minsa, eg. for tortillas
Manteca - lard
Mantequilla - butter
Manzana - apple
Manzanilla - chamomile
Mariscos - shellfish (fruits de mer); fish is pescado
Marmelada - jam
Marquesitas - rolled, sweet crepes filled with cheese
Marron - chestnut
Masa - weight
Masa - corn dough, usually referring to ground hominy, called nixtamal for tortillas
Mazapán - marzipan
Mejillón (Spain) - blue mussel
Melocotón - peach
Melón - cantaloupe
Memelitas - Tortillas con grasa de puerco
Menudo - tripe soup; New Year's Day tradition to ease hangovers
Mero - grouper (a sea fish)
Michelada - beer with worchestershire sauce, maggi seasoning sauce, lime juice, tabasco
Miel de abejas - honey
Miga - white, inner part of bread
Mijo - millet
Minsa - harina de mais like Manseca, eg. for tortillas
Mixto - mixed
Mochomos - tortillas filled with shredded beef
Mojarra - good sweet water fish
Mole - term used for a thick sauce or paste. The classic mole poblano from
Puebla is made with chiles, unsweetened chocolate, nuts, bananas and chicken stock
Mole adobo / amarillo - sauce with cumin and oranges and chiles / orange mole
Mole oaxaqueno - sweeter mole which contains almonds, bananas and cinnamon as well
Mole pipian/poblano/verde - see pipian/above classic mole/green mole
Molote - mix of corn, chorizo and potatoe
Molletes - bolillo (french bread) spread with bean puree and melted cheese
Mondongo - menudo
Montada - whipped cream
Morcilla - blood sausage
Mostaza - mustard
Muslo (de pollo) - (chicken) drumstick
Nabo - turnip
Nachos - fried tortilla chips
Naranja - orange
Nata - whipped cream
Nenguijuti Zoque - meat in red, mild sauce with ginger (Chiapas)
Nieves - sherbets
Nixtamal - hominy; raw corn grains, soaked in chalk, then ground to make a dough (masa) for tortillas, tamales, chalupas
Nopales - cactus pads cooked and used like okra
Nueces - nuts / pecans
Nuez de castilla - walnut
Omlete de huevo - omlette
Ostion - a sort of marisco/mussel
Ostra - oysters
Palomitas (de micronda) - (micro-waved) pop-corn
Pan (molido) - bread (crumbs)
Pan de cazón (Campeche) - fish/baby shark pie: layers of tortillas with cazón, fried beans and tomatoe sauce
Pan dulce/tostado - sweet rolls/toast
Panqués - hot cakes
Pansita - tripe
Panecillo - small bread
Panela - unrifined sugar used for buñuelos or atole
Panque - muffin
Panuchos (Mex. north) - bolillos filled with frijoles, pollo etc.
Panuchos (Yucatan) - fried tortillas de mais filled with ground beef or refried beans
Papadzule (Yucatan) - w. egg stuffed tortilla, served with a squash cucumber sauce
Papas (a la francesa) - potatoes (french fries)
Pargo - snapper (a fish from the sea)
Pasa - raisin
Pasta - pasta
Pastel / Pasteles - cake, pie / pastries
Pastelillo - small dry cake
Pastor, al - Kebab style roasted pork meat
Patates (de bolsa) - potatoes (chips)
Pato - duck
Pavo(Spain, Yucatan) / Pavo negro - turkey / turkey, marinated in black sauce
Pay - tart, e.g. with cream or cheese
Pechuga - chicken breast, white chicken meat
Pedazo - piece
Pepino verde - cucumber
Pepito - small hot meat sandwich
Pepitas - seeds / pumkin seeds
Pera - pear
Pescado (enpanisada / enpapelada) - fish (breaded / in alu foil)
Pibil (Yucatan) - orange, garlic & cumin sauce
Picadillo - meat hash / spicy pork meet, minced or shredded
Picaditas de pollo - dito garnachas with chicken, cheese etc.
Picante - hot to the taste buds
Piel - skin
Pierna - pork leg
Pierna de cordero - lamb shoulder
Piloncillo - brown sugar formed into a cone for marketing
Pimienta - black pepper
Pimiento morrón - green bell pepper
Piña - pineapple
Pipián - a sauce made of pumpkin seed, chile and spices
Plancha (a la plancha) - grill (grilled)
Platano - banana
Platano macho - big, thick bananas, sold from green to black which are fried for desserts
Platano dominico/Guninea - tiny, very sweet banana with vanilla taste
Platano manzano/manzanito - small sweet banana with green end points
Plantains - large green banana which has to be cooked
Poblano - a variety of chile
Poc chuc/Pok chuk (Yucatan) - broild pork in achiote sauce
Pollo - chicken
Pomelo - grapefruit
Ponche - warm sweet punch with fruits, eg. guayaba, sugar cane (in winter,Punsch)
Poro - leek
Postre - dessert
Pozole - mais soup / stew with pork or chicken
Preparados - aguas de frutas
Puchero - stew with meats, vegies, bananas
Puerco - pork
Pulpo - pulpo, octopus
Pulque - fermented juice of agave plant
Puntas - pieces of beef
Puré de patates - mashed potatoes
Puro de caña - destilled from sugar cane, stronger than mescal, less taste (=chingre/posh)
Quechules (Yucatan) - Chuleta, melted cheese + chile poblano
Quesadilla - grilled cheese sandwich (sometimes with ham) made with a tortilla
Quesadillas de Elote - fried sweet corn cakte (no cheese!)
Quesillo - Oaxacan stringy cheese
Queso (fundido / rallado ) - cheese (melded cheese / graded cheese)
Queso de sal / gallo - hard, salted cheese, like the Greek haloumi / Holland cheese
Queso relleno (Yucatan) - ground meat gratinated with cheese
Raíz - root
Rábano - radish
Rajas (con queso) - jalepeños or green poblano or serrano chiles (tamales with chile, tomatoe + cheese)
Raspados - slush (ice with fruit aromas)
Rebanada - slice (of bread), sliced
Refresco (embotellado) - (botteled) soft-drink
Relleno - stuffed
Remolacha - beet
Repollo - cabbage; col in mexico
Requesón - fresh cheese
Ricos tacos / tamales... - rich, delicious tacos, tamales
Ristra - string of dried red chiles
Róbalo - sea bass/snook
Rollito - (Chineese spring) roll
Romero - rosmarin
Romoritos (Mexico) - herb with special taste
Rompope - liquor of egg, milk, vanilla, cinnamon & rom
Roscón de Reyes - cake for the 6th of Jan.
Ruda (Mexico) - herbe with tiny green leaves
Sal - salt
Salbutes (Yucatan) - fried maiz tortilla topped with beans, chicken,lettuce+avocado
Salchicha - frankfurter sausage
Salchichón - dry sausage
Salmón ahumado - smoked salmon
Salpicón - meet or fish w. onions, oil + vinigar
Salsa (Ingles / rosa) - sauce (Worchestershire sauce / cocktail sauce)
Salvado - bran
Sancochado - plate with meat, plantain + manioc
Sandia - watermelon
Sangría - a drink made of red or white wine, sugar, oranges, lemons and lime
Sardina - sardine
Seco - dry
Según tamaño - price depend on size
Semilla - grain
Sémola - couscous
Sésamo - sesame
Sesos - brain
Sidra - cider
Sincronizadas - wheat tortilla sandwiches with ham and cheese
Sofrito - fried onions and tomatoes
Solo (cafe solo) - without anything (black coffee)
Solomillo (a la parrilla) - (grilled) filet [mignon]
Sopa - soup
Sopa Azteca - soup with tortilla chips, avocados and spices
Sopa de fideos / verduras - soup with pasta / vegetables
Sopa de Lima (Yucatan) - chicken, sometimes rice, tostada and lime
Sopes (de tinga, molida, papas...) - mini tortillas (topped with salade and meats etc.)
Sudado - stew
Sultanas - raisins
Surtido - assortment
Taco - a corn tortilla folded over a filling
Taco dorado (suave) - fried (soft) tortilla, folded or rolled
Tallarrines - noodles (tagliatelles)
Tamal (plural is tamales) - a corn husk stuffed with masa, meat or beans
Tamal de bola (Chiapas) - tamal with pork and tomatoe sauce
Tamal de chanchamito - like tamal de bola, but not a round form
Tamaño - size
Tamarindo - a brown, dry fruit like a bean for juices & dulces
Tampiqueña - plate with mix of meet, french fries, fried banana, cheese, salade
Tapas - Spanish apetizers (eg. olives, cheese, fish...)
Taquería - traditional restaurant specialised on tacos
Tarta (helada) - (frozen) cake
Tazcalate - refreshing drink with chocolate, based on corn, with water or milk
Tazajo con pepita - stew in a bread-like sauce of pumpkin seeds
Té/Thé (manzanilla, tila, tisana, ...) con limon/leche - tee (...) with lemon/milk
Tejocote - small Mex. orange fruit which has to be cooked
Telera - small loaf of bread
Ternera (asada) - veal (roast)
Tequila - distilled liquor made from agave, or century plant
Tila - linden
Tinga de pollo - chunks of chicken meat
Tiras de carne asado - rosted stripes of meat
Tlayuda/tlalluda (Oaxaca) - crisp tortilla topped with salsa and meats
Trigo - wheat
Tocino - bacon
Topopo - a corn chip like a volcano or pyramid
Tomatillos - small green husk tomatoes, eg. for green salza
Toronja (in Latin America) - grapefruit
Tortas - sandwiches with meat, salad, sauce and cheese
Tortilla - a thin, flat bread made from wheat flour or corn masa
Tortilla de harina (de trigo), de mais, de yuca, de mais & uncooked platano macho, de minsa/manseca
Tortitas - fried potatoe pancakes
Tostada - toasted; specifically toasted or well fried flat tortillas
Totomoxle - dried corn husk used as tamal wrappers
Trenza - breaded bread with raisins
Trozos (de pollo) - peaces (of chicken)
Trucha - trout
Trufa - truffles
Uchepos - steamed fresh corn parcels, similar to Tamales
Uvas (uvas paso) - grapes (dried raisins)
Vaca - cow
Venado - wild game
Veracruzana, a la - fish with sauce of tomatoes, olives, capres & chiles
Verde con espinazo (Oaxaco) - pork in green mole with epazote and chiles
Verdura - vegetables
Vieira - callop (coquille Saint-Jaques)
Vinaigre - vinegar
Vino (blanco, rosado, tinto) - wine (white, rosé, red)
Vino corriente/de mesa - ordinary wine/table wine
Vuelve a la vida - marisco mix, cold or as caldo de marisco
Yema de huevo - egg yolk
Yerba Santa (hoja santa) - heart shaped leaves for seasoning, with anise flavor
Yuca - a eatable root
Zanahoria - carrot
Zapote negro - green fruit with black creamy content
Zarzamora - blackberry
Zumo (Spain) - juice

El termino del carne - how to cook the meet

Poco hecho / Carne roja - rare
Carne termino medio - medium
Carne bien cocida/hecho - well done
Bien/Muy hecho - well done

Qualidad - quality:

Estar (esta...) - to bee (it is...):
Bastante - enough / a lot
Duro /-a - chewy
Tierno /-a - soft
Poco - not much
Mucho - much, a lot
Grande - big
Pequeño - small
Seco/-a - dry

Fresco - fresh
Maduro /-a = zarzamora - ripe
Verde - green/unripe

Excellente / Sabroso - very good
Bueno / muy bien - good
mas o menos - ok
no me gusta - not good
Asqueroso - disgusting
Este café on hay quien se lo beba - you can't drink this coffee

Limpio /-a - clean
Sucio /-a - dirty

lleno - full
vacia - empty

Sabor - taste:

Acido / Agrio /-a - acid
Amargo /-a - bitter
Cocida/-do / Hecho - cooked
Dulce - sweet
Picante - hot to the taste buds
Salado /-a - salted


Asar - to roast or broil (asado)
Beber - to drink
Calentarse (agua) - heat (water)
Chocar - to toast, cheers
Cocinar - to cook
Comer - to eat
Comprar - to buy
Cortar - to cut
Enchilarse - burn
Gratinar - gratinate
Guisar - to cook
Hervir - to boil
Sober - to drink
Tatemar - verb meaning to roast, peel and seed green chiles
Tostar - to toast

Accesorios - utilities:

Bolsa - bag
Botella - bottle
Cazuela - large cooking pot, pottery
Comal - heavy, round griddle for baking tortillas
Copa (chica, normal, grande) - a bowl or wine glass (small, medium, large)
Cuchara - spoon
Cucharilla - coffee spoon
Cuchillo - knife
Jarra - pitcher
Mano - a volcanic rock used with both hands to grind food against another rock (=hand)
Machacador de frijol - bean masher
Molcajete - volcanic rock shaped like a bowl in which food is ground
Olla - clay pot; a utensil in which beans are simmered
Palillo - tooth pick
Plato - plate
Popote - straw
Sopero - soup plate
Taza - cup
Tenedor - fork
Vaso - glass

Mesa - table
Servilleta - napkin
Silla - chair

Pedir/Pagar - to order/pay:

Barato /-a (precio barato) - cheap (cheap price)
Caro /-a (precio caro) - expensive (expensive price)
Camarera/-o (amable/maleducado /-da) - waitress/waiter (friendly, unfriendly)
Cuánto? - how much?
Cuenta (la cuenta, por favor) - check (the check please)
Menú - menue
Orden - order
Para llevar - take away
Propina - tip
Quiero / Queremos (pagar, ...) - I want / we want (to pay, ...)
Surtido (de carne, pescado, verdura)- assortment (of meat, fish, vegetables)
Tiene ...? - do you have ...?

Sucesos - Miscellaneous:

Buen provecho - enjoy (your meal)
Cocina - kitchen
De la casa - homemade
Descansamos (descansar los miercoles) - we are closed (wednesday)
Grosor - thickness

Hambre - hungry (tengo/tenemos hambre - I am/we are hungry)
Sed - thursty (tengo/tenemos sed - I am/we are thursty)

Temperatura - temperatur:

Congelada/-do - frozen
Helada/-do - ice cold / frozen
Fría/-o - cold
Al tiempo - air temperature
Tibio /-a - lukwarm
Caliente - warm, hot
Hirviente - very hot, boiling

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